Preparations for the CMA Congress in Amur-n-Yakuc (Marrakech, Morocco)
The Federal Council (FC) of the Amazigh World Congress (CMA) met remotely in its regular session on March 24, 2025. It reviewed the two main items on the agenda: the status of preparations for the next CMA Congress and current issues.
The CMA and AIPN representative appointed as co-chair of the steering committee of the intrnational Decade of Indigenous languages
As a representative of the Congrès Mondial Amazigh / Amazigh World Congress and the African Indigenous Peoples Network (AIPN), Belkacem Lounes was appointed on March 11, 2025, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, as co-chair of the Steering Committee of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), alongside three other co-chairs: Anabel Benjamin Bara (indigenous representative from India), Professor Wiseman Magwa (representative of the Government of Zimbabwe), and Paul Pelletier (Deputy Minister of the Government of Canada).
Libya: unacceptable hateful provocation against the Amazighs
A video posted on social media on February 20, 2025, clearly shows police officers and individuals spreading an Amazigh flag on the roadway, inviting motorists to drive over it. This happened in the Al-Andalus neighbourhood of Tripoli, which is heavily populated by Amazighs.
Morocco: The exclusion of the Amazigh language continues
in defiance of national and international law
During the recent visit of the French Head of State to Morocco, the Moroccan and French Ministers of National Education signed an agreement on "strengthening the teaching of the Arabic language" to Moroccan nationals in France.
Kamira Nait-Sid, co-president of the Amazigh World Congress (CMA), was released today from Koléa prison in Algeria, after more than three long years of arbitrary detention.
All members of the Amazigh World Congress are very happy about the end of the ordeal unjustly inflicted on Kamira and her family, especially her mother. The members of the CMA salute the bravery, courage and spirit of resistance of Kamira who emerged unscathed from this heavy ordeal. We express to her once again all our support and our fraternity.
The CMA salutes and warmly thanks all the individuals and organizations that mobilized for his release, including Frontline Defenders, IWGIA, Amnesty International, Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders, Régions et Peuples Solidaires (RPS), Riposte Internationale, African Indigenous Peoples Network, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, Union des Femmes Kabyles, Association AFK-13, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of assembly and peaceful demonstration, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, members of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and many other personalities and associations.